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May 31, 2022

推特上的中国:无惧中国撤资 《壮志凌云2》赢得票房和掌声


 推特上的中国:无惧中国撤资 《壮志凌云2》赢得票房和掌声

May 31, 2022




May 27, 2022

the speech (by Blinken) sounded more like a declaration of all-out strategic competition or war against China

Sec. Blinken said the US will defend the international law...maintain peace and security. But wait! Isn't it true that more than 80% of post-WWII armed conflicts were initiated by the US?

the speech (by Blinken) sounded more like a declaration of all-out strategic competition or war against China

May 22, 2022

《上海自救委员会宣言》号召:全城自救 ,民间自治!


《上海自救委员会宣言》号召:全城自救 ,民间自治!

May 22, 2022

Why didn't China attack Taiwan? (a hypothesis)

Many expected that China would exploit the chaos in Europe seeing it as a chance to conquer Taiwan. Still, they didn't invade. Why?🧵

Why didn't China attack Taiwan? (a hypothesis)

May 22, 2022

Beijing seeks security deal with Pacific island nations, U.S. worried 北京寻求与太平洋岛国签安全协议 美担忧


Beijing seeks security deal with Pacific island nations, U.S. worried 北京寻求与太平洋岛国签安全协议 美担忧

May 22, 2022

The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’.

Are we here because of China’s experiments again?

The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’.

May 22, 2022

The PRC continues to publicly misrepresent U.S. policy 中华人民共和国继续公开错误描述美国的政策

The United States does not subscribe to the PRC’s “one China principle” – we remain committed to our longstanding, bipartisan one China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, Three Joint Communiques, and Six Assurances. 美国并不同意中华人民共和国的“一个中国原则” - 我们仍然致力于我们长久以来、不分党派、在台湾关系法、三个联合公报和六项保证指引下的一个中国政策。

The PRC continues to publicly misrepresent U.S. policy 中华人民共和国继续公开错误描述美国的政策

May 21, 2022

Biden, Yoon Signal Stronger Military Posture Against North Korean Threat

U.S. President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol have signaled a stronger military posture amid a series of recent North Korean missile test launches and a potential nuclear test.

Biden, Yoon Signal Stronger Military Posture Against North Korean Threat

May 20, 2022

中共攻台安排 被批二战水平(图)


中共攻台安排 被批二战水平(图)
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