Jun 15, 2022
Ukrainian Orphan Finds New Home and Hope in America
Phil and Kristie Graves are a U.S.couple from Maryland and parents of three biological children and an adopted girl with special needs from Armenia. Recently, they decided to adopt a six-year-old girl with special needs from Ukraine. But that was before the Russian invasion.
May 4, 2022
'Putin's Holodomor': Russia steals 400,000 tonnes of grain from occupied Ukraine sparking fears of a devastating food crisis in the country in chilling echo of Stalin's famine
A Ukrainian minister said 100,000 tonnes of grain was stolen from four regions
Meanwhile, Ukraine's human rights ombudswoman accused Russia of trying to 'cause the Holodomor' - a reference to the famine that killed millions in the 30s
Russia has also attacked grain silos, fertiliser storage and stolen farm vehicles
Meanwhile, a clip from Russian television emerged of Putin's propagandists suggesting that Russia steal Ukraine's grain to sell it to China
Apr 21, 2022
Ukraine situation: Flash Update #9
The Russian Federation launched a military offensive against Ukraine on 24 February 2022. As of today, more than 5 million refugees have fled Ukraine,
making this the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II. A further 7.7
million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine.
Apr 13, 2022
Ukraine situation: Flash Update #8
The Russian Federation launched a military offensive against Ukraine on 24 February 2022. As of today, more than 4.6 million refugees have fled Ukraine, making this the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II. A further 7.1 million people have been displaced internally within Ukraine. That is 11.7 million people forced to flee their homes in under seven weeks - more than a quarter of the population of Ukraine.
Apr 6, 2022
Ukraine situation: Flash Update #7
On 4 April, following images and reports of horrifying violence in Bucha, Irpin and Hostomel near Kyiv and in other parts of Ukraine, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and an independent investigation leading to effective accountability.