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May 20, 2022

日防卫草案“斩首”抗中 加强威慑力但坚持“专守防卫”

台北 — 日媒报道,日本拟议中的“对敌基地攻击能力”可能包括以 中国“中央军事委员会”为目标。专家认为,此举仅为增加日本的威慑力,并未跳脱“专守防卫”的原则,因此引起日中全面战争的可能性也微乎其微。

日防卫草案“斩首”抗中 加强威慑力但坚持“专守防卫”

May 17, 2022

The reversal of values will lead to the reversal of national fortunes 价值观颠倒必导致国运逆转


The reversal of values will lead to the reversal of national fortunes 价值观颠倒必导致国运逆转

May 10, 2022

Incredible speech by former PRC ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yusheng 高玉生


"Putin regime's foreign policy views former Soviet states as its exclusive sphere of influence. Its core and foremost goal is to restore the empire through integration mechanisms in various fields dominated by Russia. Therefore, Russia is duplicitous and reneges on its promises. It has never truly recognized the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of other former Soviet countries, and frequently violates their territories and sovereignty. This is the greatest threat to peace, security, and stability in Eurasia."


Incredible speech by former PRC ambassador to Ukraine Gao Yusheng 高玉生

May 3, 2022

周晓辉:美国会通过轴心法 北京将自食其果

了解二战历史的人都知道,当时与美英等同盟国对垒的德意日等法西斯联盟,被称为“轴心国”(Axis powers)。之所以称为“轴心国”,是源于1936年11月1日意大利法西斯独裁者墨索里尼在与纳粹德国达成协调外交政策的同盟条约后,在一次演说中称:“柏林和罗马的垂直线不是壁垒,而是轴心。”因为柏林和罗马在同一经度线上。在世人的印象中,“轴心国”代表着邪恶。

周晓辉:美国会通过轴心法 北京将自食其果

May 1, 2022


众议院于 4 月 27 日通过立法,要求国务院向国会提交持续的报告,记录中国支持俄罗斯对乌克兰的持续入侵。HR 7314,被称为“评估习近平的干涉和颠覆法案”,或者更简单地说,“AXIS 法案”(即轴心法),现在将提交参议院审议。提出该法案的众议员安迪·巴尔表示,该立法对于向公众和国会全面了解中俄关系是必要的。


Apr 23, 2022

PLA AF Plane Crashed, Two Pilots Ejected, One Looks Russian


PLA AF Plane Crashed, Two Pilots Ejected, One Looks Russian

Apr 22, 2022


Why do Chinese people love Putin and hate America? Because someone tricks and drives them to do it 为什么中国民众爱普京恨美国? 因为有人哄骗和驱使他们这样做


Apr 20, 2022

Chines President Xi on Pandemic, Global Economy, 'Cold War Mentality'

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia via video link, Xi avoided any direct reference to Russia's invasion of Ukraine while he called for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, upholding non-interference in internal affairs, and rejecting a "Cold War mentality."

Chines President Xi on Pandemic, Global Economy, 'Cold War Mentality'

Apr 5, 2022

Chinese TV Pundit Says Bucha Killings Were Staged

The Bucha mass killings were faked by Ukraine's leadership because President Volodymyr Zelensky is an actor, and Russia had no motive to kill civilians, a Chinese military expert concluded this week amid reports of horrific atrocities in the city northwest of Kyiv.

Chinese TV Pundit Says Bucha Killings Were Staged

Apr 3, 2022

On Bucha massacre, China is in lockstep with Russia in media propaganda

CCTV citing the statement from Russian Dept of Defense, smeared Bucha massacre as “a drama directed by Ukraine government”

On Bucha massacre, China is in lockstep with Russia in media propaganda
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